The Major: The Man, The Myth — Part 2

DC Comics history

The Major: The Man, The Myth — Part 2

©2019 Ken Quattro The dawn of a new century brought with it the chance of a new life for Antoinette Strahan and her children. To make a complete break with her past, Antoinette (aka Nettie) made a formal declaration of her separation from her husband, Lola. “As order of publication of summons was entered in the case of Antoinette W.…

The Major: The Man, The Myth — Part 1

©2019 Ken Quattro Not every story related to comics history involves super-heroes or the people who drew them. What follows is a story, a long story told in four parts, of a man, how he came to be and how he arrived at one point of his life. And like every story, this one has a beginning. Though you won’t…


“The truth is never pure and rarely simple.” — Oscar Wilde Welcome! Or, if you’ve stumbled across me before, welcome back! My name is Ken Quattro and I am THE COMICS DETECTIVE of this blog’s title  and simply put: I study, research and write about the history of the comics medium–comic books, comic strips and everything related to them. I’ve…